Conserve Your Property
Discover land management choices that can provide tax incentives, continued use of the land, and peace of mind while benefiting you, your heirs, and our region.
Stewards of the Southern Blue Ridge
Discover land management choices that can provide tax incentives, continued use of the land, and peace of mind while benefiting you, your heirs, and our region.
Learn more about adding a gift to Mainspring in your will, and help ensure this landscape forever.
Behind the gorgeous view, there’s usually a story. Virtually visit our projects around the region and learn how they’re important to our land, water and culture.
Mainspring could not accomplish all that it does without volunteers. Water, land, office – no matter your interest, there is a place for you!
Are land trusts compatible with economic growth? This and other frequently asked questions are answered here.
Meet like-minded people and learn something new at a Mainspring event.
Our mission is to conserve the unique and special places in the heart of the Southern Blue Ridge for the benefit of all.
We work with communities, partners, landowners and supporters toward a sustainable future for the region.
Mainspring has helped conserve more than 31,000 acres in this nationally significant region.