Mainspring could not accomplish all that it does without our volunteers. Water, land, indoors – no matter your interest, there is a place for you! Read more and decide where you want to participate. We ask that you complete the volunteer form accessed by the button below so we have updated information of your interests and availability. If you have any questions about volunteering with us, please contact Donor Relations Manager Sharon Burdette via email or phone at 828 524 2711 ext. 301.
In the Water:
Aquatic Biomonitoring
Help Dr. Bill McLarney assess stream health by sampling fish. Opportunities are available for groups as small as two and as large as 10 during this fun and educational half-day event. Some volunteers can also assemble data for post season compilation of results.
When: Sampling occurs any day Monday-Saturday from mid-May through mid-August. Data entry can be done post-season at your leisure.
Where: Within the Little Tennessee Watershed
Skills Needed: Ability to stand in running water and lift nets from streams. All equipment is provided and no experience is necessary. For data input, MS Access knowledge is helpful.
Ages: Volunteers should be at least 12 years old or older
On Land:
Stewardship Workdays
Calling all dirt diggers! Work ranges from mowing, weed-eating, trash cleanup, invasive species removal, stream restoration (tree planting), boundary marking and trail construction and maintenance and landscaping on Mainspring properties around the region.
Volunteers in this area are in reasonably good physical condition. Volunteers are assigned to their preferred area of stewardship depending skills and the needs of the organization at the time of placement.
When: Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons
Where: On Mainspring public access properties, as well as private lands under conservation easements.
Needed: Bringing your own equipment is helpful but Mainspring has some to borrow. Must provide verification of skill if using chain-saws or other mechanized equipment. Other training provided as needed for specific projects.
Ages: Volunteers should be 12 years old or older. Groups are welcome!
Education and Outreach Events

When: Ongoing
Training: Provided for each individual event as events are varied.
Ages: Willing adults of all ages
Volunteers in this area work with staff on specific projects with schedules to be determined as needed.
When: Ongoing
Where: Photography at events or as needed. Can be done on your own time and donated for Mainspring use.
Skills Needed: Expertise in photography.
Ages: Willing adults of all ages
Office Support
Privacy considerations of both staff and supporters are important for this volunteer opportunity.
When: Ongoing
Where: In our Franklin office. Some correspondence-type activities can be done from your home.
Needed: Volunteers to write thank-you notes, data entry, maintain scrap book, help with seasonal mailings, and deliver rack cards to various locations.
Ages: Willing adults of all ages
Rickman Store
Join the Friends of Rickman Store, a volunteer group dedicated to the preservation of the Historic Rickman Store in Cowee-West’s Mill. They plan and host live music events and keep the building open and welcoming.
When: Saturdays in May – December, when events are being held at the store.
Where: Rickman Store, 259 Cowee Creek Road, Franklin
Skills Needed: All types! Building maintenance, working the welcome area during events, etc. – if you have an interest, we can find a place for you!
Ages: Willing adults of all ages
Contact: Elena Carlson and Connie Reynolds lead these volunteer efforts.