When: September 8, 2023 @ 8:00 am
Honor the Cherokee figure Long Man (Ganvhidv Asgaya), the river whose head lay in the mountains and whose feet lay in the sea, by removing trash from our waterways.
“Long Man (or Long Person), was a revered figure among the Cherokee as one who provided water to drink, cleanliness, food, and numerous cultural rituals tied to medicine and washing away bad thoughts and sadness.” (source) This river cleanup is more than picking up trash, it is a cultural re-awakening that emphasizes the Cherokee’s connection to water. Water supplies food and healing, and connects people to each other and to the landscape. This event recognizes all that water gives to us, and is a way to give back.
This year’s Honoring Long Man event will occur on Friday, September 8th around Cherokee, NC. Meet at the Peaches Squirrell Sports and Recreation Complex (1212 US-19 N, Cherokee, NC 28719.) A hearty breakfast will be provided by NAIWA will be served starting at 8am.